Autumn leaves mountain

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Moon Shadow Princess wonder

Moon Shadow Princess wonder: "You're not wrong, right?" Chang Xiao slowly sword of shadows and said: "?? Here is MIGHTY site, I was MIGHTY friend, why you come from usurped Oasis" Moon Shadow Princess laughed: "never seen people so stupid, what's the use speech with a camel?" Chang Xiao Zhengrong said: "you are not camels, camel turns out not understand?" Moon Shadow Princess recalls: "You phrase it seems to be heard, can not remember, which seems an expert says authentic jordans for cheap. " MIGHTY territory turned out to be a camel accounted for, often Xiao surprise, even camel is smaller than mustangs fetish. Camel suddenly turned to darkness, flying away, bell Yuan exclaimed: "This camel Benxing rude horse." Chang Xiao to drinking fountain, shadow princess drank two exclaim: "It's delicious, and cool and sweet, than Central Plains water is much "bell sea laughed:" suzerain the years Hanyu bottle sink on the inside, there are these treasures, natural spring water and delicious, "Chang Xiao said:." you be careful, that camel is the main , his lord is certainly rare expert, not the effect. " Moon Shadow Princess is not convinced, and asked: "how do you know?" Chang Xiao explained:. "Snatch this oasis can not be the meaning of the camel, a camel did not dare to compete with mustangs site I know it very well MIGHTY , the average person simply can not contend with it, and I especially came then, with MIGHTY against my enemies, camel owner since not looked down on me, natural is 0822hdfssfg no trivial matter, "Chung yuan nodded:." suzerain, then yes , the four door let suzerain third, this man is certainly a master "Moon Shadow Princess laughed:.". cares what he masters, my husband is the best in the world hero, who is not afraid to "voice hardly ever, the wind came a voice: "frogs, uppity." deep voice, like bell usually surrounded response. Chang Xiao look directly at the north said: "? Predecessors profound skill, is often a see only one can see coming Cheap Jordans." Sound surrounded spread, the ghost condensate. An old man suddenly appeared in the near, his face the color surprised and asked: "You are often Xiao?" Chang Xiao Baoquan salute: "Yes, the older shenfa spirits and unpredictable, admire." Old man nodded: "Naturally, I am always thought lakes . rumors credible, today saw only know your repair was more than a chunk of Wanqi Song, Houshengkewei seems you've been hiding martial arts, such scheming is really rare, "Chang Xiao laughed:" Not often a Cangsi First, there is no need, the second is listening Qingyang swordsman pointing to each other when dealing room left a bit. seniors at a glance often a repair, when the flow is very skilled, often by a prayer. "old hands arm: "First meeting, trust is so old lady, no wonder there is such a bold famous in the world."

Everyone put aside all thoughts about eating

no dealings with Wan Qi Song, Xiao's because the relationship often sit together, 0821hdfssfg they represent the two forces, the words and deeds should be cautious. However, there is often Xiao in cheap jordans free shipping, we have no pressure, no difference with ordinary farmers. Someone brought a few altar wine, Yin tenrai a frown: "eat grilled corn with only a jar of wine fifty text, such Jiuchi no taste." Wanqi Song replaced immediately ordered, so the wine is often Xiao also drunk, had farming at home, drink this wine even enjoy. Everyone put aside all thoughts about eating, enjoyable. Do not speak the identity level, regardless of the depth of martial arts, nor sub-age size, we sat on the floor, so the atmosphere is very easy to narrow feelings. Deepest feelings is Wu Qingyang and Wan Qi Song, the two men as a special, usually have contacts with anyone careful, never had this experience. Wan Qi Song sighed: "Naturally, I am creating Wan Sin Tong, laborious, others looked very beautiful, in fact, very hard, every moment must be careful not think of grilled corn even let the old lady get unprecedented enjoyment.." Wu Qingyang quite agrees: "recruited words extreme yes, in the lakes, slings and arrows are very hard to have such a rare opportunity." Chang Xiao laughed: "You back the burden is too heavy, and does not fit, the chance to feel relaxed back extremely fun actually put down the burden, the mind into the world into the real comfortable.." Wu Qingyang praise: "no wonder the boy made ​​rapid progress in the martial arts Cheap Jordans, the reason most people are aware, but really very little, brother limitless future "Wanqi Song sigh:." everyone has baggage, no matter how heavy are not willing to put down. often brother can jump out of this circle, probably drunk Xia Taoist have less of a chip. "Chang Xiao they understand, had to make their views on all things at the brink of life and death experiences are different, and this can calmly face all challenges , easily resolved.

Reign of terror among the many demons out

Reign of terror among the many demons out, Haw Par wolf worms, very frightening. Suddenly a strong wind blowing, the sand scattered clouds disperse, what Butch wolf insects, ghosts and goblins is nothing more than a paper cut people some paper tiger Bale. Not enough to matter, "God Machine Fox" shocked and said: "Who broke my fairy" just listen to a female channel: mulberry bags sale. "What fairy, is that some dishonest Yaofa Bale dare to fool people," Ji ceremony a look, see is a young girl. Dressed in purple with purple, hand a sword and a Yu Chu. Ji Ceremony to: a Huangmaoyatou, nothing powerful. Sidewalk: "Who are you, dare to break my fairy Pindao no connection with your prime, you Could be trying to help him." Pointing Murong Yu, listen Xiaoyu said:. "Dare hurt my Dear husband, a death wish to see this Miss sword, "he finished, Ji 0820hdfssfg gift quickly pick stabbing sword rack phase also. Erba Dao Ji ceremony just do not want it, not the recipe. He was stabbed to death, Yao Tiansheng see also lost a brother. I thought not go on fighting, life insurance bear. So shouted; "You wait, sorry term." Shout strike, throw a few thunder, after a burst of smoke. Two again, Yao Tiansheng early without a trace. Minions and killed two people while the rest of the Minions soldiers scattered long run mulberry sale. The duo also did not mean to play, they lived hand. Xiaoyu asked: "Yunxuan, let the following where to Zouya" Murong Yu replied: "I ​​do not know, let's go one step right to the Central Plains to take a turn now.." Xiaoyu nature is promised. So they will have on the road, or take the water, or take the land route. That day came to the southern areas, Xiaoyu not seen such nice scenery. In particular, there is a 'paradise' said the Jervois boundary, Suzhou is his hometown, Murong Yu with his wife after a few laps around town in Suzhou. Away they went, Hangzhou, looking to find his sworn brother Stuart righteousness. So they have to rent a boat, along the waterway to Fujian away. That day came, Zhejiang, Kim Washington, Murong Yu see the board do not have much to eat. They Xiaoyu said:. ". Erh, not much to eat on board we go ashore to buy some to eat it," Xiaoyu replied: "Well, how do the boat?" Murong Yu: "The first boat docked at the a port near the boatman to help those who we look at, "Xiaoyu said:." Okay, "so they will ship docked at a port near the place and spent five  let those boatmen helped look after. Boatman saw a reward, so very happy agreed. This Xiaoyu Yu and Murong on the shore, to the city away. See although gold is a seaside town in Washington but very busy, there are soldiers patrolling the city. As if a border town, two way joking. Went to the central city, are walking on the street, and suddenly see a lot of people gathered in front. Two, went to watch, to see a pair of father and daughter are performers. Father again aside gong, daughter dancing entertainer swords in effort, from time to time it was a good thing, that this time he took his father to accept all the spectators back gong charity money. When walked Murong Yu, Murong Yu very sympathetic to their daughter. They gave a Liangwen Yin, because someone else is a few lines of coins, most consistent coins. So this Liangwen Yin is very loud, and that middle-aged man said: "Keguan, although the villain is why so generous entertainer, but not unreasonably so much money to charge to recover the full wages also requested Keguan..

In the noisy city

In the noisy city, each person suffering from work and life pressures even alive during the day to put away all the feelings may be near with their "hypocrisy" smile to the face of all kinds of people around them, all kinds of trouble just once at night the passage of the body, then you will find yourself find yourself a can allow himself to take to precipitate all this space. The sky is the greatest gift of God for our self-reflection, to be spiritual than any drug, silently shrouded everything up, invisible self, their soul shelling in general can be seen as his body stood there laughing, thinking, memories. Exposure night was among a person's thoughts will be flying, fear of being seen to get rid of their concerns, love to the depths of human loneliness is a strange affair. Always pretending to be strong self-mask hit fragmented at this moment, can not listen to their control rapid heartbeat, at this moment all kinds of feelings will be exposed or sigh, or burst into tears greet day will suppress their share long emotional burst out in an instant, the release of their slightly tired heart. Noisy rhythm of this era, along with the rhythm we dragged overwhelmed shell day by day raid in different streets of the city. Gradually we got separated, someone alone in two fleeting mulberry bags, 0819hdfssfg shadowy figure looked away, waiting for the past drifting away. Only just heard the whistle at midnight, there was proof that you live in my feeble breathing, everyone in the long night of trivial thoughts slowly came to an end, eventually dying. If considered a space between heaven and earth, then someone in this space, once writing a memory of lying to write some, the dream beat one, then tore a page. Until after all his wayward tear mulberry factory shop, the heart is empty, people scattered, over the years the sand leaving only you and I no longer see a bunch of footprints.

A Franciscan brave indeed worthy

Murong Yu Qing arrogant words break after prestige in the military is increasing. This day Murong Yu is working with several sworn brothers in the chat. Suddenly the door came running from a defenders officers, which officers said: "Kai Bing Zongbing adults, there are a large number of Manchu troops outside the city and then outside drowning war, Murong generals named to continue to fight." Zeng Xiao Tian asked: "is ? what people do or that Dole "soldiers replied:" No, eight soldiers to those who, although also inlaid with a white flag, but it may be the name of the British Prince "has been back on the Murong Yu Xiao Tian said:." Yoshie ., depending on how you look at deserve "Murong Yu said:" So, well, I would go would be him, "Xiao Tian had replied:.". well, I give you Luezhen and Stuart brothers cheer "So Murong Yu-wear silver white armor, a good pair of hands holding a sword front mulberry outlet, behind him carrying a sword. Lucky red charcoal ride with thousands of troops. Out of town, he whistled across the sky and Stuart righteousness are riding with their knife with people again after follow. Leaving the rest of the city, a few outstanding guard. To those who say this is what people, the original is the elder brother Duoergun inlaid white flag flag Lord, the Qing Dynasty of England Wales A Franciscan. A Franciscan how it wants to, but would like to, so they will be going to the Qing times this Crack own teenager. So they brought three thousand troops rushed to the city, let Murong Yu clamoring to fight. Murong Yu really see the results 0818hdfssfg out of the city to fight, mind can not help but admire this teenager to have such guts. Because he had played countless times and the Ming army battle. Ming army generals are very timid, afraid to fight. Murong Yu see the front of the Qing Lord, Xiangmaotangtang, who dress alike and his brother Duoergun compare. All white inlaid armor, but it looks very thick and powerful generals, burly body type. Arms about crushing force, the hands grip a point outline wishful gun. Cross under a Happy horse. Murong Yu he asked: "Who goes, generic newspaper surname." A little skillful Chinese economic grid, but will say a few words, he replied: "Wu Nai Qing Guoying Wales A Franciscan is also, sir is Murong Yu "Murong Yu replied:" It is, "a Franciscan Road;" Well, I'm looking for is you look at the gun, "he finished, he came Cuima Tingqiang.. Already had whistled across the sky dance 三尖两刃刀, Cuima to greet. Shouted and said: "Hugh hurt my brother, watching a home knife" So in a knife fight shot. Murong Yu see this A Franciscan brave indeed worthy of the Manchu, who whistled across the sky, and his engagement, again and again to parry. So he wanted to help him in the past, long wave broadsword Stuart justice to war A Franciscan. A Franciscan remain the same. Division Two double battles had no match for A Franciscan, Murong Yu thought he'd do, I am afraid to have two Yidi danger, he shouted: "I come," Wu Qi encroaching A double-edged sword Franciscan and come, then three brothers Qi bucket A Franciscan, A Franciscan duo who do not care for the company. Murong Yu but only for very careful because Murong Yu First martial arts, but the body is different from the mortal thirds Xian Qi. So mouths compelling, A Franciscan was fighting for a will feel very tired, so making a false situation. Stuart was whistled across the sky and the righteous are shock out, an injured left arm an injured right arm. Murong Yu see two brothers injured more angry mulberry uk, swordsmanship To add rapidly, making the A Franciscan gradually overwhelmed. In this case, A Franciscan really very valued these Han Chinese youth. Sell ​​a false positive potential escape, but was Murong Yu did not want to abandon the swords do not make, barely tolerable Dapeng wings. The live his life and life in the past. Only the horses, but this time. They had the Secretary Injured assault, will A Franciscan killing thousands of horses are a mess, Kudiehanniang. Murong Yu triumphal return to the city, and the capture of the British Prince Qing. The whole city down all the people rejoicing, Murong Yu Ji Ah cell will be within the next and then a prison, to send an expert guards.