Plum Lady of this nod

Plum Lady of this nod. Rose Princess immediately sent left, after taking a day to put the Black Pearl, Plum Virgin afraid Master worry, hurry to leave, and soon head monk rendezvous with God. See the Black Pearl, Kome monks hesitation: "The stuff is good, but with this treasure is not appropriate exchange Ice foot, the value of the Black Pearl is not low, but they are a great fleet of business, they will not care about gold, silver, black pearl meaningful for them, we can not take advantage of them, "Cunxin Shitai asked:."? deserve according to Master's see how "Kome monk thought for a moment with the idea, told:" to division with five wooden zhenjun sum game cheap jordans free shipping, the Falcons won seven of his own style in his later years, leaving it useless, plus agility with which the door should be the black Pearl, Cunxin immediately take a trip. "Shi Tai promised asked after Cunxin : "Master have any plans?" Kome monk smiled and said: "Nature is back to the mountain retreat, you quickly go." Cunxin Shitai from Master's eyes see things finishing, the master is the thought of playing at something, never directly back to Emeishan. Originally wanted advice about, then I thought, anyway, is the master facelift play, outsiders do not recognize. Besides doing his disciples bound by teachers is not always something, so I will not say, took the Black Pearl and the Falcons seven Formula leave. Kome monks and other Cunxin Shitai gone immediately to Plum Our Lady said: "You promised not finishing other people's things, go and guidance about the consort." Our Lady promised to re-find the Plum Princess pointing Wei hayang. The disciples are gone, a lot easier when Kome 比丘登 0825hdfssfg changed back into the girl's attire play. Cunxin Shitai quickly find Fang Zaishou fleet, made ​​it clear that the meaning of the master, Fang Zaishou accept Falcons seven style black pearl and agility of thin volumes, even if things settled. Black Pearl naturally to wine youngster, Fang Zaishou careful study Falcon Seven style, touched a clue, seen is confused, Fang Zaishou smile: "This is a very clever Gordon flow master secret, extracted from their own martial arts in out of the essence, the only other flags over in order to understand the main point of view, we can not repair is difficult to comprehend the mysteries. " Then carefully put away, the message to Chang Xiao. This time is often accompanied by Xiao Yu butterfly authentic jordans for cheap, the two fall in love, frolicking in the bedroom without saying. Samuume, Pandan four sisters naturally will not miss the opportunity to ink Ju received a Dove sent letters, not delay, immediately handed Xiao Chang. Xiao often seen after a moment, jade butterfly asked: "Is it another go Do not worry, I will not stop you?." Chang Xiao shook his head: "This matter is not so urgent, unexpected Kome monks turned out a door martial arts to acknowledge, even Fang Zaishou not read enough to explain this unusual door martial arts, it seems I'm going to look at, but should first do some preparation, etc. ready to go later. "pick up a pen to write down the number of language, Mexican daisy took it turned out, the instruction to convey it. While stopping Jade Butterfly mouth say, in fact, is reluctant, but mind clear, but often Xiao-profile figures martial arts, always perilous, not a hint of slack. Of course, do not go that often Xiao joy, placed under the banquet, six people sitting around, laughing.